The 9th International Conference on Financial Innovation and Economic Development (ICFIED 2024)



ICFIED 2024 will be held in Ningbo, China during January 12-14,2024. For further information of the hotel, please find below.




I. Information:

Ningbo Yinzhou Wanda Plaza Tianwei Art Licheng Hotel

Hotel Website: Click

Telephone: +86-574-81009999

Address: No.697 Xueshi Road, Yinzhou District, Ningbo, China


>> Standard single room: 268 yuan / night (about $ 37.31 / night). (Includes a bed, Internet and breakfast)

>> Standard double room: 268 yuan / night (about $ 37.31 / night). (Includes two beds, Internet and two breakfasts)


Ⅱ. Room Booking:

You can make a reservation by calling +86-15512794433 before January 8, please tell that you are a guest of "ICFIED 2024" meeting, and then can enjoy the agreed price.


Ⅲ. Direction:

* Lishe International Airport 12.5 km; 30 minutes;

* Ningbo East Railway Station 7.5 km; 15 minutes;


Ⅳ. Tips:

For Non-Chinese Attendees, "Bring me to the hotel" card is available. You can show it to the taxi drivers and they will take you to the hotel.


ICFIED 2024将于2024年1月12-14日在宁波鄞州万达广场天唯艺术丽呈酒店举行。具体酒店信息和预定方式如下:







>> 普通大床房:268元  含1张床/无线网络/1份早餐

>> 普通双床房:268元  含2张床/无线网络/ 2份早餐


Ⅱ. 房间预定方式:

1. 可打发短信至15512794433(韩经理),告知前台您是:“会议全称+姓名+入住日期+退房日期+房型+入住人数”。

2. 请勿重复预定。请尽快在1月8日前完成预定(逾期无法保证房间安排,需视酒店房态而定),如有变动或取消预定需提前一周告知酒店经理。酒店费用将由酒店直接收取并开具发票。


Ⅲ. 交通指南:

*栎社国际机场: 12.5km; 30mins

*宁波东站: 7.5km; 15mins